On Friday, I will have been in New Bern for exactly one
month, which is crazy. It feels like so much longer because we do so much it can't
possibly have fit into one month. Seventeen more to go...
Thank you all who sent letters, I will not get a chance to
write back until next Monday because we are going to the Temple on Friday and
that is our P-day (other than email and quick grocery shopping) and we don't
write letters except on P-day. But I love getting letters and you all make me
smile :)
I love General Conference!!!! And lemme tell you, actually going to the Church building and watching it there, in Sunday clothes, is such a different experience. When we watch it at home, it is easy to get distracted, or too comfortable and informal. There is also something about the commraderie of watching it with your fellow members and being able to talk about it right after. We had two investigators attend!! One came with his family (who are members). We aren't sure if he was actually awake for it, but hey, he was there. The other was Ebony. She always surprises me and reminds me that miracles do happen. Just to look at her, you wouldn't think that she would be able to get past the boredom of two hours of being talked at, but right after it ended, she said that she wished she could have watched the other sessions and that all the questions she came with were answered. We invited everyone we talked with to go to Conference with a specific and relevant question that they needed answered. Conference is amazing that way - no matter what they say, even if it had nothing to do with your question, it will be answered. I know my questions were answered.
I've finally gotten a chance to bake and I feel so relieved. All that pent up cooking energy... turned into cupcakes (with my homemade frosting) and muffins (from a box, but whatever) and my yummy granola (which I finished very quickly). It makes me happy. We have also started walking up and down the street during part of our companion study. We discuss what we learned in our personal study, and it keeps me more focused since I have trouble sitting for so long.
We had an interesting experience the other evening. Well, we
always have interesting experiences, but I can't share them all because I don't
have the time. Anyway, we were walking back to the car and we both needed a
bathroom, but I saw some houses down the street and I thought, "we should do
those houses, there are only a few and we can hold it a bit longer." So we
went. An just before we knocked on the first door, a man biked up to us and
started talking, asking what we believed. He got to his point really quickly.
He just needed to know if he was condemned to hell because he had killed people
while serving in the Army. We assured him that no, defending family and country
are exceptions to the "thou shalt not kill" rule. It made me think of
the title of liberty, which I love! Then at Conference, Pres Uchtdorf (?) and
others talked about protecting the family and whatnot. The family is the most
important thing we have. It is so hard for me to be away from my family right
now, but I know that you are being blessed for my service and that I get to help
other families get to the point where they can be sealed in the Temple for time
and all eternity. I get to help them "strengthen home and family, make and
keep sacred covenants, receive the ordinances of the Temple and enjoy the
blessings of exaltation."
I invite you all to pray about who you know that needs the
gospel of Jesus Christ in their lives. Because I can tell you that the answer
is everyone. Heavenly Father *has* prepared his children to receive this
message of love and light, but he cannot speak to them except through us. We
need to guide them to the path and help them along it, just like we welcome
help along the path. If there is one thing I have learned in the past month, it
is that.
Thank you to Ashley who, from what I hear, makes my blog
amazing <3 and to my family who sends me happy gifts <3
God loves you, I love you!
Here's President Uchtdorf's talk to which Laura referred:
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Laura won't be able to read these until she returns in 2013, but you are welcome to leave comments.